
ndsplines.make_interp_spline(x, y, degrees=3, bcs=(-1, 0))

Construct an interpolating B-spline.

  • x (array_like broadcastable to (n_0, n_1, …, n_(xdim-1), xdim) or arguments to numpy.meshgrid to construct same.) – Abscissas.

  • y (array_like, shape (n_0, n_1, ..., n_(xdim-1),) + yshape) – Ordinates.

  • degrees (ndarray, shape=(xdim,), dtype=np.intc) – Degree of interpolant for each axis (or broadcastable). Optional, default is 3.

  • bcs (ndarray, broadcastable to (xdim, 2, 2)) – bc[xdim, 0 for left | 1 for right, :] = (order, value) for specifying derivative conditions. Use order -1 to specify the not-a-knot boundary conditions (default).


b – An interpolating NDSpline.

Return type:

NDSpline object