Creation routines

Routines for creating NDSpline objects.

make_lsq_spline(x, y, knots, degrees[, w, …]) Construct a least squares regression B-spline.
make_interp_spline(x, y[, degrees]) Construct an interpolating B-spline.
make_interp_spline_from_tidy(tidy_data, …) Construct an interpolating B-spline from a tidy data source.
from_file(file) Create a NDSpline object from a NumPy archive containing the necessary attributes.

Class methods

Methods of the NDSpline class.

NDSpline(knots, coefficients, degrees[, …]) Multivariate tensor-product spline in the B-spline basis.
__call__(x[, nus]) Evaluate the N-dimensional B-spline.
derivative(dim[, nu]) Return NDSpline representing the nu-th derivative in the dim-th dimension.
antiderivative(dim[, nu]) Return NDSpline representing the nu-th antiderivative in the dim-th dimension.
to_file(file[, compress]) Save attributes of NDSpline object to binary file in NumPy .npz format so that the object can be re-created.
copy() Return a deep copy of this NDSpline object.
__eq__(other) Check equality with another spline.
allocate_workspace_arrays(num_points) Allocate workspace arrays for the N-dimensional B-spline evaluation.
compute_basis_coefficient_selector(x[, nus]) Evaluate the N-dimensional B-spline basis functions and coefficient selectors.


Utility function for constructing knot arrays.

_not_a_knot(x, k[, left, right]) Utility function to perform the knot portion of the not-a-knot procedure.


Selection and usage of the Cython or NumPy implementations for B-Spline evaluation.

set_impl(name) Set bspl implementation to either cython or numpy.
get_impl() Get the current bspl implementation as a string.
_bspl Cython implementation for evaluating B-splines.
_npy_bspl NumPy implementation for evaluating B-splines.